
Answers >> Guangzhou >> Health & Safety
  • Analucia

    avel Wallet Or Ways To Secure Your Possessions Safely Question.

    So question. A lot of people whom I talk to about my upcoming travels tend to tell me to watch out for pickpockets. Im not so much worried about this but am wondering what other people suggest to do about storing their money ID and passport. Other than the pair of jeans I'm bringing both my shorts have buttons on the back pockets which makes me feel safe regarding my wallet. I dislike the thought of money belts or necklace wallets. Change my mind or give suggestions? Opinions?


    OH and RFID? Is it really necessary? 

    7 years agoin Health & Safety-Guangzhou
    Answers(2) Comments(0)
  • chinaexpat8809
    There are some people who always put it in the pocket of underwear
    7 years ago
  • Mosesmbasu

    In over 10 years of travelling I've never used a money belt or pouch. I find them horribly uncomfortable - especially in the heat - and to be honest a bit of overkill.

    The best advice obviously is to be aware of your surroundings and deny pickpockets the opportunity to strike. Don't keep your wallet in a breast or back pocket, especially when in crowded areas. Transfer it to a side pocket instead where you have a higher chance of feeling any movement, keep your hand on it when you can to if you are in crowded trains/buses etc. Develop your situational awareness, this doesn't mean be paranoid of everyone, but it does mean just be aware of people around you, distraction techniques such as people brushing against you, touching you without invitation (difficult in some country's), having a photo taken with you and putting their arm around you ... etc. There are many others. Be aware, but don't be paranoid.

    7 years ago

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